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Invitation to Contribute | Gwahoddiad i gyfrannu

Updated: Jan 14, 2022

Invitation to Contribute | Gwahoddiad i gyfrannu

In February and March 2020, Natasha Borton, with fellow local artist Melys Edwards, will be researching a new production, Of the Earth, as a Located Residency supported by National Theatre Wales and with additional support from Natural Resources Wales.

Of the Earth will explore contemporary Welsh identity in the context both of the history of coal mining and the need for a more ecologically sustainable future. Natasha and her collaborators will position the Miners’ Strikes of 1983-1984 alongside today’s Global Climate Strikes to ask important questions about Wales’ history and future. Most of this research will take place with the community, through interviews and workshops with established community groups and first-hand testimony of the strikers themselves.

We are currently inviting any interested groups or individuals in Wrexham and surrounding areas to get in touch, including primary and secondary schools, established organisations, common interest groups, and organisers, to play a part in this research phase.

There will be free workshops available for selected groups between 20 February and 20 March 2020. Workshops may involve art, drama, creative writing, music, and creative discussion, and will be tailored to the interested groups. Topics will include Welsh history and identity, sustainable future initiatives, and local history from Wrexham Collieries.

It is important to the artists and National Theatre Wales that Of the Earth’s development reflects the local area with honesty and integrity. If any group or individual would like to be part of the project, please get in touch by email


Ym mis Chwefror a Mawrth 2020, bydd yr artist lleol Natasha Borton, gyda Melys Edwards, yn gwneud cyfnod ymchwil at gynhyrchiad newydd, Of the Earth, fel Cyfnod Preswyl ar Leoliad gyda National Theatre Wales, â chefnogaeth ychwanegol gan Cyfoeth Naturiol Cymru.

Bydd Of the Earth yn archwilio hunaniaeth Gymreig gyfoes mewn cyd-destun deuol: hanes y diwydiant glo, a’r angen am ddyfodol mwy cynaliadwy. Bydd Natasha a’i chyd-artistiaid yn gosod Streiciau’r Glowyr yn yr 1980au ochr yn ochr â Streiciau Hinsawdd Rhyngwladol heddiw, i holi cwestiynau pwysig am hanes a dyfodol Cymru. Bydd mwyafrif yr ymchwil hwn yn digwydd gyda chymunedau, trwy gyfrwng cyfweliadau a gweithdai gyda grwpiau cymunedol sefydledig a hanesion uniongyrchol y streicwyr eu hunain.

Gwahoddwn unrhyw grwpiau neu unigolion yn ardal Wrecsam a’r cyffiniau sydd â diddordeb i gysylltu â ni, gan gynnwys ysgolion cynradd ac uwchradd, mudiadau sefydledig, grwpiau diddordeb cyffredin a threfnwyr, i gymryd rhan yn y cyfnod ymchwil hwn.

Bydd gweithdai rhad ac am ddim ar gael i grwpiau penodol rhwng yr 20 Chwefror ac 20 Mawrth 2020. Gall y gweithdai yma fod yn rai celf, drama, ysgrifennu creadigol, cerddoriaeth neu sgwrsio creadigol, a byddant wedi eu teilwra i ofynion y grwpiau sy’n cymryd rhan. Bydd pynciau i’w trafod yn cynnwys hanes a hunaniaeth Cymru, mentrau cynaliadwyedd ar gyfer y dyfodol a hanes lleol o Byllau Glo Wrecsam.

Mae’n holl-bwysig i’r artistiaid ac i National Theatre Wales bod datblygiad Of the Earth yn adlewyrchu’r ardal leol â gonestrwydd a hygrededd. Os yw unrhyw grŵp neu unigolyn yn dymuno bod yn rhan o’r prosiect, cysylltwch drwy e-bostiwch

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